When it comes to making a difference in the community, Thai Bloom is not just a renowned Thai restaurant with delicious dishes but they have a deep-rooted commitment to actively support the community and give back. As part of their ongoing dedication to giving back to the community Thai Bloom has generously donated their support to this year’s Go Beat Cancer Golf tournament that will be held at The Reserve Vineyards and Golf Club this Sept 21st . The Go Beat Cancer Golf Tournament is an annual event held at The Reserve Vineyards and Golf Club which brings together golf enthusiasts, sponsors, and donors to raise funds for cancer research at Providence Cancer Institute here in Portland. At Providence Cancer Institute cancer research is the primary focus in which a team of innovative physicians and scientists work together to improve cancer treatment methods. Thai Bloom has proudly lent their support to this tournament, recognizing the importance of advanced life-saving research and treatments. By contributing support Thai Bloom is playing a vital role in ensuring the success of the tournament and the furtherance of cancer research initiatives. Thai Bloom’s commitment to supporting cancer research sets them apart in their mission to make a difference. Their participation in the Go Beat Cancer Golf Tournament exemplifies their dedication to giving back and supporting the fight against cancer. As a community, we are grateful for their efforts and the positive impact they are making. Through their support of cancer research initiatives, Thai Bloom contributes to paving a way for a brighter future.